Melissa Cook portrait
Phone: 724-503-1001 x3376
Office: Burnett Center Office #010 or Academic Affairs Suite-Thompson, 2nd Floor


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The posters on the wall speak volumes--I am a Bruce Springsteen fan. 问我参加过多少场现场演唱会,都是和我妹妹一起参加的. 我在FYS教授一门以现代美国音乐中的社会和政治倡导为中心的课程. I enjoy acting as the faculty mentor for the W&J Softball team.

Melissa Cook, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Communication Arts; Associate Dean of Academic Affairs

Degrees: Ph.D. Rhetoric, Duquesne University; Masters of Public Administration, University of Pittsburgh; B.A., Washington & Jefferson College

Melissa A. Cook, Ph.D. joined W&2016年任J学院传播艺术系助理教授,2017-22年任系主任. Dr. Cook teaches courses in public relations, rhetoric & communication theory, communication ethics and political communication, and she also teaches in the conflict & resolution studies program. 2022年,她被任命为学术事务副院长-学生支持. 你可以在伯内特办公室010号或汤普森二楼的教务处办公室找到她.

Prior to returning to W&J, Dr. 库克是圣何塞大学传播系副教授兼系主任. 文森特学院的弗雷德·罗杰斯学者项目主任. From 1998 to 2004, Melissa taught as an adjunct instructor in W&J’s Theatre and Communications department while she was completing her Ph.D. in Rhetoric at Duquesne University. She is a proud alumna of W&J, Class of 1990, and the University of Pittsburgh (GSPIA).

Dr. 库克带来了她在非营利组织和银行业工作的管理和领导经验. 她的研究兴趣包括传播伦理在组织中的应用, communities, families and personal relationships; presidential campaign rhetoric; and public relations. Her dissertation title was, “The Scholarship and Praxis 传播伦理:历史叙事中的修辞中断.” In collaboration with Dr. Annette Holba, Dr. Cook edited the book Philosophies of Communication: Implications for Everyday Experience, published by Peter Lang Publishers in 2008.

Dr. Cook is the faculty advisor for the W&J Chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA), 学生邀请学院的校友和朋友参加每月的公关会议. 这些专业人士与学生们分享他们的专业知识,有些人还邀请澳门葡京博彩软件参观匹兹堡地区的公关机构和企业.

Lambda Pi Eta国家传播荣誉协会表彰主修或辅修传播艺术的学生的学术成就. Dr. Cook是LPH的指导老师,每年都会举行一年一度的入职仪式. LPH成员担任澳门葡京博彩软件部门的导师,并参与华盛顿市的社区建设和慈善事业.

Melissa and her husband, David (W&J ’89) live in Washington with their children, Catherine (W&J ’18) and David, Jr (W&J ’22), and their dog, Finn.


  • Cook, Melissa A., and Annette Holba, editors. Philosophies of Communication: Implications for Everyday Experience. Peter Lang, 2008. Link to entry